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BIrth your
Quantum Divinity
AKASHIC awakeNing Course
begiNNing onlinMay 11th - July 6th 2024
4:00 pm PST~7:00 pm eST~ 11:00am +1 AEDT 
New payment option!
Join us for our first class and pay what you can!
If you are feeling the spark you can join us for the additional full course!
Space is limited so reserve your place NOW...
Are you being called to embody your highest Divine blueprint, polish the gifts of your Soul and be a part of the evolutionary wave of heart centered leaders that are birthing an awakened New Earth? If are meant to be here. 
the invitatioN

Can you feel the quickening? The Earth is changing at an accelerated pace, calling forth each one of us to awaken and step into a deeper truth of who and what we are. How we navigate this next phase of accelerated change…is essential for creating the highest timelines for the next phase of our life's journey. We are being called to individuate from the false matrix…from being overwhelmed and bombarded by a fear rattling force fed narrative...and instead become fortified with a sovereign, sustainable and resilient core, equipped with the soul stamina and unstoppable passion that sets each one of us up to create our best life every step of the way. The Chrysalis Course is inviting you to step into a new way of living, creating and serving this emerging New Earth paradigm.


Something larger is preparing to be born from within you … and you know…to bring forth this miracle seed into its full fruition calls for a unique recipe of special ingredients and the willingness to transform the grit of our lives into the medium of miraculous Grace.


The Chrysalis invites you to be a part of a mastermind group of awakening beings who are being called to participate in a unified field of sovereign togetherness. Here our shadows are lovingly alchemized and our unique genius unveiled as we give life to our most divinely inspired lives.


Each one of us is endowed with a unique energetic signature and intrinsic soul codes that serve to open the portal to our individual and collective birthing of our Divine destiny. 


This sensitive attuned Chrysalis is not only a safely held, high frequency birth canal but a Divinely guided journey designed to offer you the experiential wisdom that empowers you to live and create your greater than imagined life.


So much becomes possible when we gather with our shared intent to embody our highest timelines and Divine Self. And because we are relational beings…when two or more are gathered our perception is cleansed, our hearts polished and the way is made lucidly clear. 


Join us as we journey through the...

9 Stages of Alchemical Metamorphosis
9 Divine Human Frequency Transmissions
9 Akashic Awakening TransmutatiOn tools
9 Evolutionary 5D Ascension Tools
9 Akashic Group & Individual Hot Seat Readings
9 Epic Sonic alchemy Embodiment Playlists
Bonus One: 1:1 Deep Dive with Inaiya
Bonus Two: The Grail Rider E-book
Each live call Inaiya will open the Akashic Records to illuminate the unique facets of your soul’s journey while inviting you to step into your highest Divine alignment through cleansing and clearing your reality mirror. Each week you will also receive an evolutionary tool that will untether you from the false matrix and free you to birth your divinely inspired life in service to the whole.

Are you ready to…

v Move from feeling stuck in the ambiguous soup of confusion to being a clear and committed divine conduit for actualizing your unique soul gifts as your greatest blessing to this emergent New Earth?


vMove from feeling overwhelmed and withheld to being a sovereign conduit and empowered creator that lights up this world with your one-of-a-kind authentic recipe for Divine Human embodiment?​​


vMove from not getting any traction because of unconscious energetic leaks to experiencing unstoppable momentum through aligning with your core GPS that aligns you with effortless flow grounded in coherent actionable steps?


vMove from feeling stuck in repetitive patterns, debilitating contracts and beliefs to free to take divinely inspired action, grounded in passion, purpose and clear insight?


vMove from paralyzing over-achieving and burn out into relaxing into a regulated nervous system where your inner frequency partnered with your Divine Self magnetizes and actualizes your greater than imagined reality.


vMove from isolation to being authentically held by a group of trail blazers that are showing up for one another in a sumptuous field of awakened mutuality and heart-centered support?


Amidst it all…Will you take a quantum leap?


Now that Spring is here, the seeds of our most authentic Divine Self are preparing to birth and make their debut into a world that is transforming into its next phase and expression of awakened and embodied heart centered consciousness. What if this miracle seed, is your Divine spark that has been gathering life from Source and gestating within you to emerge in this unprecedented time?  What if this miracle seed is encoded within each one of us…preparing to blossom forth as the most authentic version of who and what you really are?


What the Chrysalis is and who it is for?


v The Chrysalis was conceived to create a luminous cocoon for you to go through this Divine Human birthing process in a safely held, high frequency container for you to bring forth, alchemize and integrate the full spectrum of your soul's purpose, in all of its unique twists and turns.


v The Chrysalis is for all those on a journey of awakening to their true nature. It is for Starseeds, Wayshowers, Change Agents, Spiritual Leaders, Transformational Coaches, Healers, facilitators of consciousness and all those who are being called to evolve, create and serve the birthing of a Divine New Earth humanity.   


v The Chrysalis provides you with a coherent container and leading edge evolutionary tools to be guided and reflected by Inaiya as she accesses the love beauty intelligence of the Akashic Records and weaves the highly attuned resonant group field.


vThe Chrysalis is a safe and sacred high frequency relational field to step into a whole new level of Divine Sovereignty and personal empowerment as one sheds the husk of the false self/matrix to unveil the diamond that comprises the luminous gifts of your true authentic nature and Soul essence.


v The Chrysalis is your homing station as you navigate this critical stages of your soul’s evolutionary journey while remaining grounded, centered and held in the company of loving companions of destiny.


vThe Chrysalis is a place for you to deeply relax and regulate your nervous system as you open and attune to your true divine nature and polish the gifts of your soul from the deepest truth of who and what you are .


vThe Chrysalis supports you to birth and embody your intrinsic wholeness through healing, alchemizing and integrating the past while simultaneously strengthening and stabilizing the light of your Divine core essence. 


vThe Chrysalis is a place for you to be lovingly supported in all that you are...a space where you will feel nurtured, witnessed, felt, inspired and offered all the essential ingredients to live in alignment with your divinity and precious humanity.


vThe Chrysalis elicits your unique creative genius and soul purpose through communicating with your super-consciousness as the ultimate beloved friend and superpower.


vThe Chrysalis is a place for you to  shine brightly and connect with kindred hearts who love and support you as you reimagine who you are and discover what brings you alive like never before to actualize your greater than imagined life.


Together we will grow our QUantum wings &

embody OUR HIGHEST DESTINY as we...



5/11 Align With our Divine Design

You are being summoned to show up with your highest intention to birth into the 5D monarch butterfly that you are and always have been. Together we will prepare the inner heart womb cocoon through purifying, releasing, forgiving and alchemizing the past.  We will align with our pillar of light, calibrate our subtle bodies to connect with the source within to fertilize our authentic passion and inoculate the miracle seed that is encoded to create and bestow new life from within.


5/18 Shed the old skin

Embedded within our greatest wound are the greatest gifts of our soul. In order to access these Divine gifts, we must shed the protective husk that has kept us safe until this divinely timed moment of reclamation. Together we will release the tethering of negative programmed circuitry, transmute limiting patterns, beliefs, soul contracts that show up as repetitive patterns and limitation. You will loosen the hold of density and distortion and come into full resonance with your core essence and highest timelines. 


5/25 Reclaim our power

As you awaken in the field of infinite possibility, you will remember the truth of who and what you are as your Divine authenticity shines through your Chrysalis. We will release ancient vows to only partially inhabit our power and original innocence. We will calibrate with the zero point field and rest in the center of Divine intuition and empowered presence where we feel confident to be unstoppable creators and manifestors.

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6/01 actualize the vision

As we heal our broken reality mirror, unplug from the false matrix, we naturally align with the magic of the moment, synchronicity and the organic New Earth timelines. With the support of your Divine entelechy, a clear vision of your divinely inspired life will emerge. We will activate the adamantine particles and imaginal cells held by your super-consciousness that are the blueprint of your embodied divinity.

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6/8 Activate our authentic soul gifts

When we are balanced, integrated and whole we have access to the soul stamina, sensual softness, supernatural power, sumptuous presence along with the unique qualities that support us to embody our shimmering soul gifts in service to the whole. As we prepare to take flight, we cultivate the required tinsel strength to sustain our mission as we give life to our highest potential with confidence, conviction and the gift of radical trust, faith and surrender.


6/15 Paint our Quantum wings

Each of us is bestowed unique codes of light and Divine Human Frequency recipe to activate our higher dimensional Self and Divine human frequencies that ignite our super-powers and soul shimmering gifts. The wonder and awe of your authentic Self is brimming with unbridled passion, power, innocence, beauty, abundance and massive love for life in all of its full spectrum beauty. If your life is art and your journey your greatest offering....what will you paint upon your newfound wings?


6/22 Spin the Life Giving Gold

Each day we have the opportunity to embody our living legacy, to be make a positive imprint through contributing what we most long to experience in this life. When we become radiant with our Soul light, our Chrysalis becomes translucent and begins to shine in an irresistible incandescence where we become magnetic to attract the abundance along with all that’s required to manifest our dreams, highest timelines and potential. Our worthiness is the key to our Queen/kingdom awaiting for you to claim your throne.


6/29 Birth our Miracle Wings

As we take flight into our highest yestiny we will anchor the final ingredient to our Divine Human recipe…that is the miracle of Divine perception; to see ourselves as we truly are…and as we do, we turn on the currency of abundant resources scintillating within us. This master perception becomes our sacred currency that raises our base frequency to live in symbiotic sacred union while simultaneously manifesting our hearts desires from a state of ease, grace and divinely inspired alignment. 


7/6 Fly into our Highest Yestiny

Connect with your inner GPS and communicate with your Divine intuition as a gateway to manifest all that fuels your life mission. To lean into the unknown is to live with unstoppable passion, courage, faith, trust and the knowingness that as we do we become magnetic attractors and actualize our hearts calling from a state of presence, grace and divine alignment.


Emerald Heart  $555

​1 payments


9 Two hour live Akashic Awakening Attunements & Transmissions

1:1 private 30 minute Akashic

Awakening Session

Weekly Sonic Alchemy Playlist

The Grail Rider E Book


golden Heart $333

x2 payments


9 Two hour live Akashic Awakening Attunements & Transmissions

1:1 private 30 minute Akashic

Awakening Session

Weekly Sonic Alchemy Playlist

The Grail Rider E Book


Diamond Heart $777

payment plan available


9 Two hour live Akashic Awakening Attunements & Transmissions

1:1 private 75 minute

Akashic Awakening Session

Weekly Playlist

The Grail Rider E Book


Inaiya Ray is an alchemical Master and bonafide Midwife of the Soul. She has been instrumental in helping me to birth my Divine Human Self. And what a gift it's been, to be able to rewrite my contracts, so that they work for me. What a liberation to make peace with my past. What a revelation to know my true essence. What a joy to discover my gifts. What a pleasure to share them with my clients and community. When I'm with Inaiya, I feel truly seen, appreciated, and supported. Now I am able make life changing shifts while honoring my pacing and values. Inaiya is a gentle, compassionate, brilliant guide. Inaiya Ray of light, big love to you sistar, and deep gratitude for all that you do, and all that you are for the One. - Jewel Permut,

“I am soaring in a glistening sea of beauty and awe! Inaiya’ held such a precious space for so much clarity and beauty to be born within me. I am so grateful to have shed so many layers as I uncovered essential parts of myself that have been waiting to be revealed. Inaiya has given me the support I needed to unfurl my heart and I now feel empowered to embody and express my authentic passion with ease and flow. Deep oceans of gratitude to Inaiya, when I look into her eyes I see a soul that has seen, understands and feels what it is to be an empowered human and I now see myself and the world with so much limitless possibility." -Kari Mathieson​ 

Inaiyas offerings have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. In the space of the course, I was pierced open to the core of my being to find the seed of truth of who I was. This process was powerful and liberating. As I awakened to my divine human Self, I was inspired  to express myself with uninhibited freedom and grace. My perception has heightened and opened to the luminosity, divinity and beauty that exists everywhere, I feel open to flourish and radiate my soul light further into the world. Being with Inaiya is a magical gift. She has opened me, woken me up, shaken me alive, which has helped me to reveal my soul purpose and walk this path of conscious evolution, for this very special time on earth.”- Aiyana Wildheart, Orthobionomy Therapist

"I entered into this chalice by means of the Evolutionary Priestess training and am just so grateful that I did!  Feeling such safety in this cup I uncovered my deepest fears and liberated my greatest dreams. I learned what was holding me back from living the life that my soul had always longed for and been given the tools to clear away and move forward. I really recommend entering into any of Inaiya's workshops and trainings, for there, you may just find such a strong sister and brotherhood, one that surpasses the unexpected and reaches for the stars... one that can deepen even after the workshops are done.." -Gaianna, Salt Spring Island, BC

Note: A Chi Nei Tsang and Akashic Awakening Practitioner does not diagnose medical problems nor is a substitute for the need for medical attention or Psychological counseling. What Akashic Awakening can do is discover and release emotions and other energies and imbalances (hidden, underlying and/or secret) that are trapped in the body that are contributing factors to mental/emotional and/or physical issues. These releases then free the body, mind and spirit to balance with it's own innate healing intelligence.

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