Inaiya Ray
New Earth Wayshower of the Awakened Heart
Embodiment of the Christos Sophia, Akashic Oracle, Divine Human Doula,
Energetic Alchemist, Multi-dimensional Goddess, Universal Lover, Cosmic Muse,
Trailblazer of a New Earth Humanity.
H e r S t o r y
“I witnessed Inaiya as she changed the course of my life, she has gifted me with so much it’s impossible to describe. Medicine Priestess of the Beauty Way, I will always remember the trust you have for yourself and the wisdom you carry from within. Dolphin, sunlight and water, woman of embodied bliss! Greater than imagined being of infinite grace, beauty and light. Elemental alchemist of a Divine New Humanity dancing between magical realms and dimensions. Awe!"— Lauren Riley, The Evolutionary Priestess Training
Inaiya Ray is an Evolutionary Priestess of the Beauty Way and founding Director of the Living Chalice, New Earth Embodied Wisdom School. She offers in depth experiential trainings such as The Evolutionary Priestess, New Earth Avatar, Akashic Dance Alchemy as well as an array of Courses, Sacred Ceremonies, Circles and Celebrations at conscious events and retreat centers throughout the world. Her journey of personal and planetary embodied awakening has led her to over twenty-eight years of pioneering and facilitating the inner alchemy of evolution and the birthing of a New Earth humanity. She dynamically weaves a multi-sensory tapestry of Divine Human alchemy to create a multi-sensory playground for our Divine essence to share our Soul inspired gifts with each other and the world. Inaiya’s offerings are dynamically alive, experientially engaging, full of warmth, humour and instilled with the creative majesty and magic of the moment.
In addition to facilitating courses, Inaiya’ is a highly experienced Bio-Energetic Clairvoyant & Evolutionary Soul Coach and offers private Akashic Resonance™ Attunements, Readings and Energetic rebalancing. Her presence as a catalyst for authentic change is radiant with sincerity, experiential wisdom and insightful care. She elicits authentic freedom through applying the foundation she creates to support you and the wings she guides into flight. Inaiya has the gift of illuminating your Divine Blueprint while polishing the gifts of your Soul so that you may flower clear, radiant and brilliant not only in your body but in your life. With lazar-like clarity, she assists individuals to awaken and bond with their Source while liberating the glorious potential within.
Inaiya Ray's journey of awakening began as a young child who questioned everything about the true nature of reality. At the age of ten she began to receive vivid dreams of massive global destruction that activated her passion to pursue a life dedicated to being the change she sought in the world. She soon recognized her life as an opportunity to create and serve the awakening of a Divine New Humanity. In 1989, Inaiya stepped fully into her soul’s deeper purpose while residing in Dharamsala, India and immersing herself in Tibetan Buddhism, Yoga and Integrative Healing Arts. It was at that time that she had a series of awakening experiences that flowered her heart open to universal love and compassion. From that time on she has passionately embraced her natural calling as an Integrative healer, Evolutionary Life Coach and dynamic facilitator of Conscious Evolution and Embodied Awakening.
In 1991 Inaiya returned to California where she founded and directed one of the first progressive Yoga and Healing Arts Centers in the Bay Area. Since then, her passion for personal and planetary awakening has led her to travel the world, facilitating and mentoring countless beings through Akashic Awakening, transformational workshops and Evolutionary Temple Arts. Inaiya now resides in Mount Shasta, California where she continues to offer Akashic Awakening Events and passionately serve the Divinely inspired embodiment of a Divine New Earth humanity!
T h e M a k i n g o f a L i v i n g C h a l i c e
“Embodying the Soul/Love essence is where the physical truly becomes a Chalice and Grail, a vessel for Spirit and the Elixir of Life ~ the Womb of Creation and Sacred Union that truly makes one available for a Love that includes all of Life.”
The Chalice is a symbol of embodied Divinity…the Holy Grail that dwells within. The gifts of love beauty intelligence are gathered and offered from the Chalice of our being as a gift that blesses the Earth and all beings. Inaiya and the Living Chalice offer a safe and inspired discovery ground to explore the interactive dynamics between ourselves, one another and the living planet we exist within. As we delve into the chalice of our being we come to integrate and embody new levels of conscious aliveness and inspired creativity. As we encircle together in sacred resonance we see ourself and one another in the truth and essence of our authentic being. Luminous transparency becomes our new foundation, a ground of being from which we create our lives in service to the whole.
The Gifts of Awakened Embodiment
· Illuminate the diamonds from within the darkness
· Know yourself beyond the confines of the ego
· Make the Divine Conscious within you
· Transition from trauma to triumphant
· Embody your Divine Essence and Sovereignty
· Be the Gift that Blesses the All
· Turn your wounds into your greatest gifts
· Open your channels of Original Innocence
· Activate your Beautyway codes
· Radiate your natural state of health and vitality
· Be the Beloved that blesses all beings
· Polish and refine your unique Soul Gifts
· Turn on the pilot light of your highest destiny
· Be the Queen or King of creating your Divinely inspired Life.
· Awaken to the absolute Truth of who and what you are
· Embody your unbridled Passion and Creative Self Mastery
· Be the living vessel through which Divine Consciousness flows.
· Attune to the frequencies of all prevailing Love, Beauty Intelligence
· Resonate in fields that align with opulent abundance in all areas of your life.
· Press the cosmic Reset button and turn on an inextinguishable Light, Love and Joy
Clear your ancestral karma while upleveling your Bloodline lineage
Y ou a r e t h e G i f t
We live in a time when we do not need anyone but ourselves to lovingly interpret the interactive dynamics that exist between Self, Source and Divinity. For humanity to return to union and enter into a New Earth paradigm of Creative Self Mastery, we must be fully committed to cultivating and nurturing this intimate union within our own radiant presence.This whole and Divine presence is totally available and accessible to each and every one of us. As we abide within the authentic beauty of our authentic Self we open up the Gifting Circuit……the place in which our Divinity may flow from the eternal chalice of our being as the gift that enlivens the whole of creation. We came here to return to the essence of who we are...precious, beautiful, a gift to behold, a blessing for all.