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Thanks & Praise

"I highly recommend a session with Inaiya, her connection to the Akashic records and your souls true essence and divine blueprint is unlike anything I have ever witnessed before - truly infinite and incredible in its magic. She channels in such a powerful, but beautifully gentle way, and in all of my life I have never had the pleasure to experience anything like it. Completely in a league of her own, if you are looking for a sign to book - this is it! If you have been magnetized to her infinite mastery and get the chance to taste such a high level of source activation and clearing, you are in the right place and will never regret it!! Inaiya sees your souls ultimate divine mission and brilliantly reconnects, reawakens and realigns you to your true souls purpose in this life. I am so very grateful I got the opportunity to have a reading with her, it is something I will remember for lifetimes to come. Thank you beautiful Inaiya for the precious gifts you gave me in clearing my contracts once and for all at the deepest level, rewiring my unconscious beliefs and connecting me to my lion guides in the most resonant and impactful way.


- Kayleigh, Transformational Life Coach

Akashic Awakening, Energetic and Intuitive Readings & Attunements

Caitlin Naramore, Founder of Modern Queen Business Academy
Give Life Somatic Ceremony

- Dan Horton, Actor, Facilitator
Golden Core Synergy Team Building Training

- Adam Furnell, Airline Pilot

Note: A Chi Nei Tsang and Akashic Awakening Practitioner does not diagnose medical problems nor is a substitute for the need for medical attention or Psychological counseling. What Akashic Awakening can do is discover and release emotions and other energies and imbalances (hidden, underlying and/or secret) that are trapped in the body that are contributing factors to mental/emotional and/or physical issues. These releases then free the body, mind and spirit to balance with it's own innate healing intelligence.

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