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BE the ONE

Equinox 2022 March 21st San Augustinillo, Mexico

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Presented by Inaiya Ray,
New Earth Wayshower

Inaiya Ray is the steward of The Living Chalice, School of New Earth Temple Arts. As an embodied Wayshower for a Divine New Humanity,
Inaiya’s journey of personal and planetary awakening has led her to over three decades of pioneering and facilitating the inner alchemy of Conscious Evolution. She offers an array of Akashic Awakening Ceremonies and Retreats throughout the world.

Inaiya’s facilitation is dynamically alive and instilled with the creative majesty and magic of the moment as she guides individuals to inhabit their Divine essence while co-creating ecstatic states of Oneness and coherent beauty. As an emissary of Gaia Sophia, Inaiya emanates the living intelligence of the Wild Divine.

Inaiya also offers private Akashic Awakening readings, energetic attunements & Evolutionary Life Coaching. She delights in illuminating your Divine Blueprint while polishing the gifts of your Soul.


This Equinox is one of the most pivotal portals in the history of our beloved planet…where each of us can influence the direction of the world we are co-creating as a human species. This Equinox, join us as we gather to give life to our highest Divine embodiment and the New Earth at a time when we are being called, like never before to embody the light of our true essence beyond the archaic narratives of fear, war and separation.


On behalf of all beings, let us join hearts for an evening of 5D New Earth Ceremony, somatic movement, Gaian Tantra, inter-activation, sonic landscapes, high vibe frequency & cosmic play… with the shared intention to meet one another in an awakened heart field to ignite each other and co-create a highest timeline for ourselves and our planet as WE birth our brave new world into being.




D. Dopamine: Move and be moved by the sonic landscapes

of the Wild Divine

O. Oxcytosin: Touch and be touched by the Soul essence of

awakened kindred hearts

S. Seratonin: Inspire and be inspired to shine your Soul gifts

as a blessing for all

E. Endorphans: See and be seen, dance and be danced

 in your Divine Self-Mastery



Akashic Awakening™ is a transformational sound and soul movement modality that experientially guides participants into partnering with their Divine Source and essential nature. Akashic Awakening™ will guide you on a sonic and somatic unwinding of the body and soul that delivers you into greater consciousness, coherence, connectivity and collaboration with your Divine self, community and the whole of creation.




We gather with the shared intention to open ourselves to life and to one another—to be seen, felt, witnessed, reflected and celebrated in our most authentic humanity. We will acknowledge, where we are at and cast ourselves into the highest timeline and reality we are co-creating. After cultivating our coherent togetherness through interactive play, Inaiya will guide us on a sonic and somatic journey lying down while breathing and unwinding the spinal pathways and soma carried on an evocative sonic landscape. We will be blessed to have some of our Vagal Nerve toning friends holding the space and offering some hands on healing. After our around 90 minutes we will reconvene to share intimate inter-activations where we will embody the jewels and integrate our revelations on behalf of the one. Please Visit for more details and the flow.





$800 peso suggested love donation.

Capacity is limited so please reserve your place on Whats app at: +13108809030 and make your offering in advance on Venmo or PayPal

Venmo: @inaiya-ray PayPal:


Please where comfortable white ceremonial clothing, bring a yoga mat, crystals and flowers for the alter, journal, water and a dish or drink to share for our potluck lunch. Please also arrive promptly at 9:30am to settle into our sacred space.



“Akashic Awakening has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. In the space of the ceremony, I was opened to the core of my being to find the seed of truth of who I am. This process was powerful and liberating. The somatic journey inspired me to express my divine vehicle with freedom and grace as I accessed my divine human self, awakened, and illuminated. To be in Inaiya’s physical presence is the deepest honour. She is a magical gift in this world who woke me up and inspired me to shine and embody my Divinity. I am in the deepest gratitude for this gift.”

— Ayana Wildheart, Orthobionomy Therapist. Alice Springs


"Last night was extraordinarily pivotal for me ~ I have experienced a most profound reset ! Sooooo much gratitude for the caliber of divine truth you are sharing. Your transformational gifts are profound and life changing! "— Anya Zama Deva

“Inaiya Ray is an alchemical Master. A bonafide Midwife of the Soul, she has been instrumental in helping me to birth my Divine Human Self. She is a gentle, compassionate, brilliant guide. I am in deep gratitude for all that you are in service to the one.”- Jewel Permut, New Hampshire Acupuncture



Arrival smudge & Divine anointment


Undressing from Social Consciousness and invoking our Divine Avatar


Clearing the last timelines and remnants of separation consciousness


Individual and Planetary release of limiting ancient contracts and Forgiveness Ritual


New Earth Sovereignty Decree


Co-regulating our nervous systems toward, safety and peace


Crossing the river from the 3d-5d and Calling each other home




Cacao & Inner Dance Ceremonial Journey


Activate our Life Giving Adamantine Particles to create and bestow new life


Harvesting the Jewels of our Togetherness


Planetary Prayer for Peace


Closing Seal of Oneness

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Note: A Chi Nei Tsang and Akashic Awakening Practitioner does not diagnose medical problems nor is a substitute for the need for medical attention or Psychological counseling. What Akashic Awakening can do is discover and release emotions and other energies and imbalances (hidden, underlying and/or secret) that are trapped in the body that are contributing factors to mental/emotional and/or physical issues. These releases then free the body, mind and spirit to balance with it's own innate healing intelligence.

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