Welcome to the Wonder of
the Weosphere
Coming to Inverness, Scotland, August 11th & 12th, 2023
Council of Quantum Hearts
August 11th 6:30-9:30pm
Altyre Estate, Forres 22€
Quantum Heartistry Training
August 11th 10:00-6:30pm
Altyre Estate, Forres 100€
Join the Evolutionary Wave of Heart Centered Leaders of a New Earth Humanity as Inaiya Ray guides us into greater kinship and affinity with our embodied presence, divine sovereignty and unique soul purpose. Throughout this interactive somatic and sonic journey, we will ignite our wisdom light and activate life-giving frequencies. Meet your Divinity through the open hearts of others.
Let us join hearts for an evening of New Earth Ceremony, somatic movement, inter-activation, sonic landscapes, high vibe frequency & cosmic play… with the shared intention ignite the flame of awakened heart consciousness that becomes the gift that illuminates the whole.
Visionaryart:Yoshiko Prema Swan,shambhalalightvisionaryart
D. Dopamine: Move and be moved by the authentic presence and
connection with kindred hearts.
O. Oxcytosin: Touch and be touched by the Soul essence
ofyour companions of destiny.
S. Seratonin: Inspire and be inspired to shine your
Soul giftsas a blessing for all
E. Endorphans: Meet and be met, See and be seen,
dance and be danced by the heart of the One.
We are a growing culture of luminous nodal points interwoven on the web of Oneness. When we gather in circles of coherence, something profound happens…our guards come down our hearts gently open and we are able to really meet each other eye to eye and heart to heart….as we see each other as mirrors, experiencing the same joys and pains, manifesting in unique ways as our shared humanity is remembered and the narrative rewoven.
The Splendid Prism is a sacred space to pioneer and engineer
New Earth paradigms as we awaken together as One
As we gather with the shared intention to open ourselves to life and to one another—to be seen, felt, witnessed, reflected and celebrated in our most authentic humanity, we transcend and become more of who we really are through resonance and presence. Let us acknowledge where we are at as we cast ourselves into the highest timeline and reality we are co-creating on behalf of all.
What is the Splendid Prism?
Visionaryart:Yoshiko Prema Swan,shambhalalightvisionaryart
The Splendid Prism is sacred space to come together to weave our authentic
presence and soul gifts to reveal our highest potential within a resonant field of sovereign togetherness.
The splendid prism is a high frequency experiential discovery ground for authentic connection, conscious evolution, embodied divinity and mutual awakening.
The Splendid Prism is a movement that is moving individuals out of lone wolf isolation into a quantum heart realm of intentional togetherness.
The Splendid Prism provides a safe and evocative setting to activate, ignite and invoke our soul gifts as an evocative creative medium rooted in altruism, compassion and mutual heart centered leadership.
The Splendid Prism provides a safely held container to authentically relate, engage and participate in the joys and sorrows of our lives and the world while crafting a new narrative that serves to enliven the whole.
The Splendid Prism is co-creating a new social culture through authentic and meaningful connections and sublime encounters that grow community as we discover the ways to be brilliant co-creators… together.
The Splendid Prism is a safely held container to illuminste our unique gifts, talents and longings to reflect our humanity, amplify our synergy and amplify the wonder of resonating together as One.
What are the benefits of
participating in the Splendid Prism?
Experience the art of sharing soul inspired presence through
exploring the language of feeling frequency.
Discover companions of destiny through making authentic connections
that spark the potential for potent collaborations that benefit and enliven the whole.
Curate magical and evocative experiences for weaving our soul gifts
in novel,, creative transformational ways.
Discover how conscious play is the greatest pathway for personal
discovery and soul growth.
Unlock the evolutionary key codes of our soul group that activate greater
authentic connection while building resilient community.
Access the Quantum Realm of Infinite Potentiality.
Understand the subtle nuances of how to create profound and
meaningful soul connections while sharing the art of heart centered leadership.
Meet your guide, Inaiya

Inaiya Ray is a New Earth Wayshower, Akashic Intuitive and founder of The Living Chalice, Sanctuary of New Earth Temple Arts. Her lifelong journey of personal and planetary awakening has led her to over three decades devoting her life to the inner alchemy of conscious evolution and the birthing of a divine New Earth Humanity. As an emissary of Gaia Sophia, Inaiya emanates the sublime frequencies of the Christos Sophia and the living intelligence of the land that calls to her. She facilitates an array of transformational Temple Arts, Sacred Ceremony and offers Akashic Awakening readings and energetic attunements throughout the world.
Inaiya shares Akashic Awakening, a transformational sound and soul movement modality that experientially guides participants into partnering with their authentic Self, Source and Divinity. Through playful invitations, she somatically guides you into greater consciousness, coherence, connectivity and collaboration with your community and the whole of creation.
She is the best selling author of The Grail Rider, Return to the Heart of the Wild Divine Sophia and presently travels the world sharing her gifts of conscious awakening. Inaiya delights in illuminating your Divine Blueprint while polishing the gifts of your Soul so that you may flower clear, radiant and brilliant not only in your bodies but in your lives.
Praises & Thanks
“Inaiya does is an embodied master of holding, stoking, and facilitating the unified collective field, helping raise the vibration and coherence that is so essential for new paradigm community building. Aided by Inaiya's mastery, presence, and her transformative tools, my way of looking at myself and the world has quantumly shifted! I'm so grateful for Inaiya's love, compassion, ingenuity and commitment to creating a New Earth. Thank you Inaiya!”— Emily, Core Synergy Course
“Inaiya’s courses have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. In the space of the journey, I was pierced open to the core of my being to find the seed of truth of who I was and always have been. This process was powerful and liberating. I was rebirthed as my Divine Human Self, awakened and illuminated to see that life was greater than I could have dreamed of. My perception has heightened and opened to the luminosity, divinity and beauty that exists everywhere. To be in Inaiya Rays physical presence is the deepest honour. She is a gift in this world, who has opened me, woken me up, inspired me to come alive like never before and for this I am in deeply gratful.”- Aiyana Wildheart, Orthobionomy Therapist
“It is with deep honor and respect that I share with you one of my most sacred sisters. I want to whisper her name from the stars and yell her voice from the mountaintops. She is one of my favorite humans on Earth, and her embodied work is amazing. Like so many others would testify, this work is deep, sweet, profound, and a deep homecoming. If you are you looking to up-level the Avatar that lies at the core of your creative freedom, I invite you, to take the opportunity to be a part of this living wisdom school as a vehicle for the most magnificent expression of your soul.”- Christina Solaris, the Omega Code
“Inaiya Ray is an alchemical Master. A bonafide Midwife of the Soul, she has been instrumental in helping me to birth my Divine Human Self. I am so delighted by this evolution. And what a gift it is to know my true essence and to discover my soul gifts. When I'm with Inaiya, I feel truly seen, appreciated, and supported. She is a gentle, compassionate and a brilliant guide. Inaiya Ray of light, big love to you sistar, and deep gratitude for all that you do, and all that you are.”— Jewel Permut, nhacupuncture.com
I'm in!
Please reserve my place for the introductory evening and or Living Playshop